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Der gute Mason Marangella wurde in seiner Funktion als Chef von Vertex wohl zu gierig. Er hat ein chinesisches Wah (BBE WAH) rebranded, ein Teil das man zw 100,- und 150,- $ kaufen kann und für 350,- bucks vertickt. Es hat mich schon gewundert, dass Vertex so einen heftigen Preis für ein so schlecht klingendes Wah aufgerufen hat.
Die Vertex-Version vom Boss Volumen-Pedal kostet ja schliesslich auch ein vielfaches.

Als ich mich für den Landau Boost interessierte fand ich noch ein Video in dem Michael Landau das Gerät vorführte. Dieses Video war dann auf einmal verschwunden.

Und nun lese ich eine öffentliche Stellungnahme von Marangella in der er sich sogar bei Landau entschuldigt:

„Michael Landau and Vertex are parting ways, and both of his signature products, the Landau Boost and Landau Chorus, will no longer be produced after this final run releases this month.(…)

He trusted me with his name and allowed me the opportunity to do two signature products with him. I damaged his trust, our business relationship, and our friendship by my choice to market and sell a rebranded product in the Axis Wah, which ultimately damaged the credibility of my company and called into question the validity of his signature products despite being one of a kind, unique products.“

Schade, weil der Landau Booster ist wirklich gut!

Ein Gedanke zu „Vertex“

  1. Hier ein offener Brief von Michael Landau:


    This letter is in response to the recent events surrounding Mason Marangella and Vertex Effects. I first became aware of the drama concerning the Vertex Wah Wahs through Clif Jones on August 16th. I was late hearing the news because I had been on tour and I’m not a regular on the gear forums. The news was not good, this was exactly the type of drama that has kept me far away from guitar pedal endorsements for most of my life up until recently.

    Since I’ve never actually owned a production model Vertex Axis Wah, I anonymously purchased one 12 days ago so I could have it compared to the BBE Ben Wah by a reliable source whom I’ve known for many years,
    I wanted to have a first hand account of the results. The results show that the Vertex Axis Wah I recently purchased was identical to the BBE Ben Wah.

    Obviously I can’t be involved with a company or associated with a person who runs his company like this,
    so officially as of 9-6-2014, I no longer formally endorse any Vertex products.

    I would like to state the following facts for clarity:

    – I am not an electrical engineer, the only time I open up a pedal is to change the battery.
    – I have never used, nor have I ever endorsed any of the production model Vertex Wah Wahs.
    – The Wah Wah that has been on my pedalboard since January 2013 is an old Dunlop Cry Baby that was modified by Mason, I don’t know the specifics of the mods, it sounds good to me, it does have a Vertex sticker on it from when Mason worked on it a couple of years ago.
    – I do not use, nor have I ever endorsed the Vertex cables.
    – I use the Vertex Landau Boost because I love the EXP volume control function.
    – I use the Vertex Volume pedal only as an EXP pedal for the Landau Boost.

    As of 9-3-2014, I have instructed Mason to give all of the dealers and distributers a 30 day notice
    stating that the Vertex Landau Boost and the Vertex Landau Chorus will be discontinued.

    Out of respect to the entire guitar community:
    If anyone wants to return their Vertex Landau Boost or Vertex Landau Chorus and is having a problem doing so through Vertex or the dealer they purchased it from, please contact Clif @ L.A. Vintage Gear and I will personally provide a full refund.

    Michael Landau“

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